Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Ideas about the model

For Versace's space, I use such a combination of repetitive small spaces. As a fashion brand, VERSACE has many products which get to many different fashion fields. VERSACE produces clothing, bags, watches, jewellery, eyeware and home collection and so on. Thus, the six hexagonal spaces above are six exhibiton halls for their different sorts of products, and all the walls are transparent that allow visitors to see the products from outside. The transparent glass also creates a sense of luxury. The spaces under the exhibition halls are the working rooms for Versace and her staff.

As a powerful company, VERSACE is based and built up by many different types of small powers, so my design expresses this idea. Make the success and impact in different fashion fields together to produce a more powerful organisation. Therefore, the space designed for Versace is functional and it represents the issue of power.

For Steve Job's space, I use the five letters APPLE as the shape of the building. The building is huge and very steady that represent the quite important status of Apple among the electronic industries. Thus, it shows the power of Apple.

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